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Many technical companies make first-class manuals for the products they manufacture, written with great attention and care. Why not spend the same attention and care on your translated manual? Interlingo is an experienced translation agency that takes care of the complete translation process for the translation of your manuals.


Many companies spend too little time and effort on translating manuals, resulting in poorly translated manuals. Yet, translated manuals provides customers and users who speak a different language a positive user experience.  Translating a manual should not be seen as just a necessity or a means of preventing liability, it is also a way of distinguishing yourself as a company.


If you provide your clients with a well-translated manual, you show them respect. You make it clear that you pay attention to the total user experience of your product, boosting your company's reputation. Professional translation of manuals leads to greater customer loyalty and enhances the image of the company that provides those professional translations.

Request a quote  for certified translation?

Interlingo offers top-nodge quality at great rates. Request a quote and you will receive our quotation within 24 hours.

Have your manual professionally translated by Interlingo

Interlingo is a one-stop-shop when it comes to translating manuals. Not only do we have specialised translators in wide-ranging areas of expertise, we also translate manuals of many different file types: Microsoft Word, InDesign, FrameMaker, XML (also DITA) and a host of other file formats.  This means that a translated manual will be formatted exactly the same as the source file, so you do not have to spend extra time and money on DTP.

We translate the following manuals, among others,

  • User manuals

  • Operator manuals

  • Maintenance manuals

  • Instruction manuals

  • Service manuals

  • Quick Start Guides


The list of language combinations we offer is very extensive, we regularly translate manuals into English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and other Western European languages. Eastern European languages such as Polish, Czech, Romanian, Bulgarian and Hungarian are also common. We even handle Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean and the left-to-right languages Arabic and Hebrew quite comfortably.

Send us your manual via this form to receive a free quote.

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