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Juridische en financiële teksten vertalen

Legal translations

Want to have a legal text translated? Better not leave this to the first the best translator. Because only translators with an academic, legal background assure you of a watertight and reliable text. At Interlingo you will find these legal language specialists. They know the letter and spirit of the law and understand the importance of a high-quality translation.

In our network you will find legal translators for every language and for every specialty. From public and private law to financial law, corporate law and notarial law. With that, you can submit any document to us. We regularly translate for the following documents:


  • Terms & Conditions

  • Contracts, (labour) agreements

  • Licenses

  • Permits

  • Summonses

  • Trial documents and judgments     

  • Proxies

  • Deeds

  • Articles of association

  • Privacy statements

  • Conditions of sale/purchase 

  • Sales agreements

  • GDPR documents

  • Legal reports

  • Employee handbooks

  • Policy notes

  • Pleadings

  • Trade Register extracts

Juridische en financiële teksten vertalen

You can rely on our quality and discretion

Legal documents often contain confidential information that you'd rather not just put in the mail. If so required, we can deliver sworn translations to meet offficial requirements. In addition, we have all our translators sign a confidentiality agreement before they start work. Furthermore, we work with GDPR-compliant data processing agreements. That means that both our translation work and the way we protect your sensitive information are watertight.

Interlingo: a legal translation company for virtually all language combinations

We provide legal translations from English into all of the languages listed below, and vice versa. Is your desired language combination not listed? Please contact us, because with our worldwide network we are sure to have the right translator for you.  

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